Conduct of Business and Fair Dealings: Deal honestly and ethically with customers, suppliers, competitors, employees and other stakeholders on behalf of the Company in all matters.
Receipt of gifts from third parties: The fundamental principle is that no director and employee should do anything which might give rise to the impression that he or she has been or might be influenced by a gift or hospitality or other consideration to show bias for or against any person or organization while carrying out official duties.
Conflict of Interest : In case of an actual or potential conflict of interest on the part of a director, he should fully and immediately disclose it and should not participate in the decision-making process. A director who has a continuing material conflict of interest should seriously consider resigning from his position. In case of an actual or potential conflict of interest on the part of an employee, he should fully and immediately disclose it.
Compliance with Laws & Regulations: The Board of Directors ensures that the Corporation complies with all relevant laws, regulations and codes of best business practices.
All employees are directed to comply with all relevant laws, regulations and codes of best business practices.
Respect for Trade Secrets/Use of Non-public Information: Board members are reminded not to disclose any confidential, proprietary or trade secret information without specific written approval by an authorized company representative.
During employment, no employee shall disclose any confidential, proprietary or trade secret information without specific written approval by an authorized company representative.
Use of Company Funds, Assets and Information : Company funds are to be used only for authorized and bona fide business purposes.
Employment & Labor Laws & Policies: The Company assures the rights of employees to self organization, collective bargaining, security tenure and a just and humane conditions of work.
Disciplinary action : Disciplinary action taken should be within the premise of just cause with unsatisfactory job performance and unacceptable personal conduct.
Conflict Resolution : The Corporation shall establish and maintain an alternative dispute resolution system that can amicably settle conflicts or differences between the Corporation and its stockholders, and the Corporation and third parties, including the regulatory authorities.
The Revised Manual on Corporate Governance has been disseminated to all directors, senior management and employees.
The Corporation has complied, and will continue to comply, with the leading practices and principles on good corporate governance, as set forth in the Corporation’s Manual on Corporate Governance in compliance with SEC Memorandum Circular No. 2, Series of 2009. The Corporation monitors compliance through its Compliance Officer, Mrs. Mariza R. Santos-Tan, who submits a certificate to the SEC attesting to the Corporation’s compliance.
Please refer to the Sta. Lucia Land Inc. – Annual Corporate Governance Report 2015
Corporate Social Responsibility
Sta. Lucia Land donates multi-purpose vehicle to the Municipality of Bayambang
Philippine Daily Inquirer15 Oct 2022By Vaughn Alviar @INQ_Property
Centro Verde Bayambang will embrace a suburban vibe, complementing the lush vegetation around it and celebrating the heritage of a town deeply-rooted in its colonial history.
The town of Bayambang in Pangasinan adds one more multipurpose vehicle to its fleet, enabling it to provide timely service to its constituents. This was after Sta. Lucia Land Inc. and its exclusive marketing arm, 1Premiere Land Marketing Co., donated a pickup truck to the local government unit.
Representatives from Sta. Lucia and 1Premiere awarded the vehicle on Oct. 3 at the Balon Bayambang Event Center. 1Premiere president Augustine C. Cayabyab Jr. and executive vice president Ellen A. Dimaculangan turned over the symbolic key to the brandnew vehicle to Bayambang Mayor Nina Jose-Quiambao. Right then, the parties also signed the deed of donation.
The vehicle, a Hilux Fleet 2.4L FX, was assigned to Barangay Bani led by Rodelito Bautista, village chief and concurrent president of the town’s Association of Barangay Captains.
Toyota’s Hilux is popular for its toughness and reliability. It works for both on- and off-road or city and country driving, and stands to the demands of industries like logistics, agriculture and construction. This variant, specifically, comfortably seats 15 people.
As such, it will be a helpful multipurpose vehicle for residents of Bani and, by extension, future dwellers of the much-awaited Sta. Lucia development here, Centro Verde Bayambang. It can be used for rescue, emergency, as well as other health response purposes.
Bani, which is just right outside the town center, will host the modern Spanish subdivision, bringing to the northern part of Luzon the quality that has long been associated with the trusted developer with more than 250 projects to its name.
Centro Verde Bayambang will embrace a suburban vibe, complementing the lush vegetation around it and celebrating the heritage of a town deeply-rooted in its colonial history.
While respecting the past, it will also bring homebuyers to the future through elevated standards in features and amenities. It boasts of a grand clubhouse, a basketball court and swimming pool of its own, and superb onsite development, including perimeter fences, cemented roads, curbs and gutters, streetlights, provisions for water and electricity, and an underground drainage system. An imposing pylon at the entrance introduces the village to passersby, making them wonder what it must be like to live in an exclusive and secure neighborhood.
The pomp isn’t the only thing that welcomes dwellers into a bright future.
Centro Verde Bayambang rises in a strategic location that is near economic activity and is ripe for investment. Just minutes away are some of the most reputable schools and hospitals in the region, as well as malls and grocery stores, food hubs and banks, even memorial parks, drugstores, civic spaces and local tourist destinations. In front of the Sta. Lucia project is the St. Vincent Ferrer Statue,
the tallest statue in the world made of bamboo. Expect more from this area once the big-ticket infrastructure projects in Luzon are completed.
Sta. Lucia wants to contribute to the realization of a more progressive Bayambang the way it has committed itself to the betterment of other host cities and municipalities. The developer and 1Premiere have made that intention known through this beneficial gift.
Sta. Lucia Foundation partners with DENR for arboretum project
Business Mirror March 4, 2022

It has gone beyond the business of building quality homes and communities.
Besides providing livable communities that are safe, value-for-money, and conducive for raising families, Sta. Lucia Land Inc. (SLI) has also taken to heart its duty as stewards of land—to help protect the environment and ensure the sustainability of its project.
“In this business, it’s not enough to just build quality homes and vibrant communities. Looking after the land where you build and ensuring that there is little disturbance to the natural environment and nature are a must. For us at SLI, we always make it a point to care for the areas where we build as it has been a part of our DNA to ensure that we respect the environment, lessen our carbon footprint and initiate activities that could help counter the effects of climate change,” said Sta. Lucia Land Inc. president Exequiel Robles.
“We want to make significant contributions and to do this, we must look beyond serving the needs of our homebuyers and investors. This is why through the Sta. Lucia Foundation, we continue to partner with various groups, organizations and state agencies because we believe this will allow us to realize our goal of helping build a better, safer living environment for the Filipinos,” added Sta. Lucia Land Inc. chairman Vicente Santos.
The Sta. Lucia Foundation recently partnered with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for the latter’s arboretum project in one of its premier developments—the Beverly Place Golf and Country Club (BPGCC) in Pampanga.
Sta. Lucia Foundation partnered with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for the latter’s arboretum project in Beverly Place Golf and Country Club (BPGCC) in Pampanga. Narra, bamboo, bitaog and ilang-ilang seedlings were initially planted following the signing ceremony.
An arboretum refers to an area where trees, shrubs, and other plant species are cultivated for scientific and educational purposes. It may be a collection in its own right or a part of a bigger botanical garden.
The goal of this initiative is to create a green space for every establishment wherein the trees will not only thrive but will further complement or enhance the area itself. This would also be considered as a significant basis for further studies on improving future conservation efforts.
The arboretum project was led by the DENR’s local implementation arm, the Provincial Environment and Resources Office (PENRO) and supported by the Provincial Government of the Province of Pampanga. The primary goal of PENRO and its partner organizations is to create strategies that will further propagate endemic tree species that are constantly exposed to risks such as climate change and illegal logging activities.
The partnership was officially established through the signing of a memorandum of agreement last February 11, 2022, which was attended by representatives from PENRO-Pampanga officer Laudemir Salac, DENR Undersecretary Juan Miguel Cuna, General Manager of BPGCC Elson Alvaran, Sta. Lucia Foundation Director for Environment Vincent Santos and SLI VP for Commercial Business Rose Santos-Mantolino.
After the signing ceremony, a tree planting activity quickly followed wherein seedlings such as narra, bamboo, bitaog and ilang-ilang were planted. Beyond this project, all organizations will continue to monitor the growth and progress of the arboretum in accordance with the conditions set in the agreement.
The creation of the arboretum was in response to the Sustainable Development Goals that were set up by the United Nations General in 2015. It served as a blueprint to achieve a more sustainable future for all.
“The initiative was backed by the Sta. Lucia Foundation which provided the ideal venue within the province for the arboretum project. With the development’s sprawling fairways and open space, Beverly Place offers the ideal setting where endemic tree species can be planted and monitored,” Santos said.
“As with our past, present and future developments, we remain committed to preserving the environment, rehabilitating green spaces, and fighting off climate change by growing trees and respecting the land,” Robles concluded.
For more information, call Sta. Lucia Land at (632) 8681-7332 or visit
Developer goes beyond call of duty
By: Din M. Villafuerte
As if dodging the life-threatening COVID-19 isn’t enough, three strong typhoons—Quinta, Rolly and Ulysses—wreaked havoc in the Philippines in quick succession.
The Sta. Lucia Group knows the importance of providing immediate assistance to those who had to endure the wrath of typhoons and other natural calamities.
As if dodging the life-threatening COVID-19 isn’t enough, three strong typhoons—Quinta, Rolly and Ulysses—wreaked havoc in the Philippines in quick succession.
For a country that is visited by an average of 20 typhoons a year, one would assume that Filipinos are simply used to it. To a certain extent, probably yes. But that does not take away the fact that we are also bone-tired of being anxious and afraid whenever there are heavy rains, of having to lose valuables, homes and lives to disastrous floods time and time again.
Exhausted as we are, rushing to each other’s aid in times of calamities is an inherent Filipino trait. It doesn’t matter if we are casualties ourselves—we are always ready to lend a helping hand to those who are in need.

Sta. Lucia took this chance to pay it forward to the cities that house some of itsflagship projects.
Being of service
Holding true to its commitment to always be of service to Filipino families, the Sta. Lucia Group of Companies, led by Sta. Lucia Land Inc., Sta. Lucia Foundation and Sta. Lucia Mall, organized a campaign for the benefit of families affected by Typhoon Ulysses. Some 500 relief packages were immediately distributed to families in Barangay Tumana in Marikina and Barangay Santolan in Pasig. Included in the relief packs were instant food items and personal hygiene kits.
Among the first ones to mobilize aid for those devastated by Typhoon Ulysses, the Sta. Lucia Group knows the importance of providing immediate assistance to those who had to helplessly endure the wrath of this natural calamity—regardless that this long-standing property developer is also recovering from the impact of the pandemic as the lockdowns slowed down businesses across the country. Some of its employees were not spared by Typhoon Ulysses’ deluge either, with one employee recounting that they were among those who had to seek refuge up at their house’s roof as floodwaters reached even the second level of their home.
It has been the company’s aim to extend a helping hand to the families who lost their properties and possessions during the onslaught of Typhoon Ulysses. Through this simple act of compassion, the company and its partners hope to inspire the affected families to rise up stronger beyond the circumstances.

Sta. Lucia distributed relief packs to affected families in Marikina and Pasig.
Paying it forward
The property developer also took this chance to pay it forward to the cities that house some of its flagship projects. The sprawling Greenwoods Executive Village and Orchard Towers are both situated in Pasig. Sta. Lucia East Grand Mall, meanwhile, has always gotten a warm and positive reception from Marikina residents, who have become their loyal patrons. The company wants to reach out to the communities and get closer to them, especially at this particularly challenging time.
Early this year, the Sta. Lucia Group opened the doors of Splendido Taal to families displaced by the eruption of Taal Volcano. The exclusive resort temporarily suspended its operations and served as an evacuation center for some 120 families.
The property developer also joined relief efforts in Cavite and Batangas, distributing close to 1,000 food packages, beddings and hygiene kits to those affected. While its own projects were then stalled and ruined by the destructive eruption, the company was quick on its feet when help was needed.
More than building quality and affordable homes that last, it has always been in Sta. Lucia’s core to see its fellowmen through challenging times. Indeed, the bayanihan spirit is strong in this one.
Rising with the people of ‘Taal’
By: Vaughn Alviar Philippine Daily Inquirer / January 25, 2020
Disaster experts would agree that volcanic eruptions are the most unpredictable—and, thus, most despised—natural disasters.
Volcanic activity can trigger variable earthquakes and aftershocks. No technology is available yet to predict if and when a volcano would explode with lava exactly; scientists rely more on seismic movements and land rising as if something is stacking up underneath.
When the main event finally happens, the explosive eruptions can send plumes of smoke, steam, ash, rock and lava upwards and then down onto villages. The volcano can then spew pyroclastic flow, a fast-moving and lethal current of superheated gas and volcanic matter. Taal Volcano, among the most active volcanos in the Philippines, can even spawn a tsunami with the lake around it.
As early as Jan. 13, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology hoisted an Alert Level IV for the rather deceiving “supervolcano,” a warning that a violent eruption was imminent within hours or days. As of press time, the explosive event hasn’t happened yet. Some 34 eruptions since 1572 will show that the volcano can either go off abruptly as in 1965 or last for months as the seven-month event in 1754. Meantime, volcanic ash has already collapsed homes, and suffocated plant and animal life. Earthquakes have created fissures and further torn down homes.
Meantime, viewing decks that once drew droves in have been deserted; the tourism industry essentially bogged down. With authorities on high alert now, over 500,000 residents from a 14-kilometer radius were force-evacuated as 11 Batangas towns surrounding the Taal Lake were locked down. They’ve needed help and will need help for an uncertain amount of time.
Thankfully, despite their plunging revenues, real estate developers have opened their properties to cater the needs of displaced individuals. These companies and properties inspire us all to reach out to the survivors of the Taal eruption.
Splendid home
Over 500 individuals from Laurel, Batangas, found a temporary shelter in Sta. Lucia Group’s exclusive Splendido Taal located along the Tagaytay Ridge in Alfonso, Cavite. They suspended operations to offer the whole property as an evacuation center for some 120 families.
“We saw the need to help our fellow Filipinos within the area who were greatly affected by the eruption,” said Sta. Lucia Land president Exequiel Robles. “Opening up Splendido Taal to them is a testament to our commitment to always be of service to Filipino families. We are currently closely coordinating with the local government here and monitoring updates.”
The company also joined relief efforts in Cavite and Batangas provinces originating in the private sector. The group distributed on Jan. 15-22 close to 1,000 food packages, beddings and hygiene kits good for over a three-day period.
The operation was spearheaded by the Sta. Lucia Foundation. It also mobilized Sta. Lucia Land and its marketing arms Global Marketing, Royale Homes, Sta. Lucia Ventures and Mega East Properties. The company decided to help even as its very own projects were stalled and ruined by the Taal eruption.
“While some of our projects have been affected, we are more than thankful that no lives were lost and that everyone is safe from our end. We are aware of the current situation of many individuals who were displaced because of this natural calamity and in our own way, we want to bring help and that’s why we immediately mobilized a group to go to some of the evacuation centers—even opening up one of our projects to serve as temporary shelter,” Robles explained.
“This is a challenging time especially for our fellow Filipinos living in Batangas. Families were displaced and livelihoods were lost. But as the country continues to see evacuation centers being filled up, the Filipino spirit and bayanihan again came to the fore,” he added. “And we, at Sta. Lucia Land, will continue to extend help in any way we can as we seek to see our fellow Filipinos through these challenging times.”
Private sector stepping up
Many more companies have reached out to the evacuees, providing much-needed help and assistance in such a time of trouble. Their actions have inspired good deeds within the corporate world and among individuals.
With some 500,000 individuals fleeing their homes and the Taal volcano still yet to erupt explosively, the needs continue to mount—for clothes, beddings, food and water, hygiene kits and more. The displaced persons will need a continuing outpouring of charity and compassion to get through an ordeal that has already rendered some homeless and without a livelihood. The disaster is truly a challenge of bayanihan of the present time.
THE SHELTERING TREE: Corporate Social Responsibility
While the Sta Lucia Group takes pride in the fact that its tree grows ever taller and wider, countless individuals would be more grateful of its growing canopy–providing protection and shelter–during life’s harshest moments.
For the past 40 years, Sta Lucia Group has established, and maintained, a number of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs that have addressed specific needs of the various sectors of our society.In particular, our CSR programs have focused on two key sectors: The Family and environment, and; Sports development.
In our CSR programs for the family and the environment, the Sta Lucia Group, for 10 years, has consistently sponsored the Kiwanis’ annual Christmas parties for underprivileged kids, helping provide food, gifts, games, and free movie showing treats in Sta Lucia Mall.
Sta Lucia Mall has also opened the Caritas Charity Store, which sells donated goods, the entire proceeds of which go to Caritas Manila.
The Sta Lucia Group has taken care of the Filipino family in times of the worst natural calamities.
In 2009, at the height of Typhoon Ondoy’s devastation, Sta Lucia Mall became a safe haven for affected families in its immediate vicinity. The stores were opened the day after the storm passed, to serve those who took shelter in the mall.
And even in other areas where the strongest tropical cyclones pass and leave destruction in their wake, the Sta Lucia Group has extended its helping arms. This was what it did for Davao and Iloilo when these two places were hit hardest by Typhoon Pablo in 2012.
Sta Lucia has also conducted regular activities designed to improve the quality of life of participants. These include annual earthquake drills, 100 free eye operations under the Sta Lucia Healthcare program, Grandparents’ Day in malls, and Christmas decor recycling that Sta has maintained for 10 years.
For its sports development programs, the Sta. Lucia Group has sponsored a basketball team to provide employment to qualified players under the Pilipinas Commercial Basketball League (PCBL)
Overall risk management philosophy of the company
The Board and Management believe that ‘risk management’ should be an essential part of the planning and operations process of the Company in order to meet corporate goals and objectives.
- The Risk Management system is reviewed annually.
- A Risk Management Plan is updated to determine whether the risks identified, assessed, quantified and aggregated remain current and are among the key risks priorities. Measures and/ or controls identified to address these key risk priorities are evaluated if still effective in mitigating subject risks. Risk monitoring and reporting activities are reviewed to ensure its effectiveness such that these risks priorities and control activities are optimized and utilized to help Management meet its goals and objectives.
Credit Risk
- Risk Management: The Group’s credit risk management includes the process of analysis prior to taking decisions, the decision-making itself, the instrumentation and monitoring of the transactions formalized and their recovery. The Board Risks Committee analyses and, where appropriate, authorizes the risk proposals whose volume may compromise the Group’s solvency and capital adequacy or the recurrence of its earnings. It does the same for other risk proposals that might present potential operational risks or reputational risks in the terms established by the Executive Committee.
- Policy Objective: Realize profits thus becoming a dependable partner to our clients
Structural interest risk
- The management balance sheet exposure to interest risk aims to keep exposure at levels with the Group’s strategy and risk profile when market interest rates change. With this aim, it actively manages the balance sheet by trading to optimize the level of risk incurred with regard to expected earnings and to comply with the highest level of tolerable risk.
- To improve cash flow to generate more investible funds
1. Whistle Blowing Policy
- Human Resource Department provides an avenue for employees to raise concerns and reassurance that they will be protected from reprisals or victimization for whistle blowing.
2. Conflict of Interest Policy
- In case of an actual or potential conflict of interest on the part of a senior management personnel , he should fully and immediately disclose it and should not participate in the decision-making process.
In case of an actual or potential conflict of interest on the part of an employee he should fully and immediately disclose it.
- In case of an actual or potential conflict of interest on the part of a director, he should fully and immediately disclose it and should not participate in the decision-making process. A director who has a continuing material conflict of interest should seriously consider resigning from his position.
- Mechanism to detect, determine and resolve any possible conflict of interest between the company and/or its group and their directors, officers and significant shareholders.
- Company/Group: The basic principle to be observed is that a director should not use his position to profit or gain some benefit or advantage for himself and/or his related interests. He should avoid situations that may compromise his impartiality. If an actual or potential conflict of interest may arise on the part of a director, he should fully and immediately disclose it and should not participate in the decision-making process. A director who has a continuing material conflict of interest should seriously consider resigning from his position. A conflict of interest shall be considered material if the director’s personal or business interest is antagonistic to that of the Corporation, or stands to acquire or gain financial advantage at the expense of the Corporation.
3. Insider Trading Policy
Respect for Trade Secrets/Use of Nonpublic Information
- Board members are reminded not to disclose any confidential, proprietary or trade secret information without specific written approval by an authorized company representative.
- During employment, no employee shall disclose any confidential, proprietary or trade secret information without specific written approval by an authorized company representative.
4. Related Party Transactions Policy
- Parent Company: The Corporation reports and discloses all related party transactions in accordance with the PSE and SEC Disclosure Rules.
- Joint Ventures: The Corporation reports and discloses all related party transactions in accordance with the PSE and SEC Disclosure Rules.
- Subsidiaries: The Corporation reports and discloses all related party transactions in accordance with the PSE and SEC Disclosure Rules.
- Entities Under Common Control: The Corporation reports and discloses all related party transactions in accordance with the PSE and SEC Disclosure Rules.
- Substantial Stockholders: The Corporation reports and discloses all related party transactions in accordance with the PSE and SEC Disclosure Rules.
- Officers including spouse/children/siblings/parents: The Corporation reports and discloses all related party transactions in accordance with the PSE and SEC Disclosure Rules.
- Directors including spouse/children/siblings/parents: The Corporation reports and discloses all related party transactions in accordance with the PSE and SEC Disclosure Rules.
- Interlocking director relationship of Board of Directors: The Corporation reports and discloses all related party transactions in accordance with the PSE and SEC Disclosure Rules.
5. Policies on Data Related to Health, Safety and Welfare of Employees including Company Sponsored Training
Performance-enhancing mechanisms for employee participation.
- Company’s policy for its employees’ safety, health, and welfare
Employees are urged to report to their immediate superior or to the General Services Department accidents or any condition or practice which is unsafe, whether or not these result in personal injury or no matter how minor they might seem to be.
In order to ensure the promotion of employee health and well-being, the company offers health care benefits covered by the health insurance provider of the Company.
Employees are involved in deciding, planning and implementing employee activities and programs such as sports and summer outing events, company parties and employee uniform
- Data relating to health, safety and welfare of its employees.
- Generally all regular employees undergo annual medical check-up with their preferred medical clinic/hospital. There have been no reported work-related accidents or health concerns in the Company.
- Company’s training and development programs for its employees.
- New employees are given orientation on the Company’s policies and procedures. Depending on their work assignment and employee development plans, employees undergo or are sent to specialized training courses.
- Company’s reward/compensation policy that accounts for the performance of the company beyond short-term financial measures
It is the policy of the company to promote advancement among its employees for consistently exceeding expectations over five (5) years, meeting organizational requirements and facilitating the achievement of long-term corporate goals and objectives. Depending on the performance of the Company and also taking into consideration various qualitative performance parameters such as succession planning and corporate governance, the Board also grants performance bonuses
- Company procedures for handling complaints by employees concerning illegal (including corruption) and unethical behavior
- Concerns may be raised verbally or in writing to the HRD Head, the Company CEO or to the Chairman of the Nomination and Compensation Committee of the Company’s Board of Directors for complaints concerning the CEO should be raised.
- When raising a concern or complaint, the employee should give the background, the nature of the alleged wrongdoing or a description of the event, relevant dates, reasons for the concern, witnesses and the names of the individual involved.
- If the concern is raised verbally, then the person receiving the information should prepare the outline of the matters raised.
Employees are assured that Management shall maintain the confidentiality of all the concerns and complaints raised and the anonymity of the person making the complaint to the fullest extent reasonably practicable within the legitimate needs of law.
The HRD Head/monitoring officer shall be responsible for deciding whether there are grounds for proceeding further with the case. Potential action may include a clarification of facts, a more formal investigation conducted by the Senior ManCom or Internal Audit Department, or referral to external auditors or legal consultants. Concerns that fall within the scope of specific procedures shall be referred for consideration under those procedures.
- The monitoring officer (or the HRD Head/CEO/Chairman of NCC as the case maybe) shall inform the reporting employee in writing within seven (7) working days of the following:
a. What has been done or how monitoring officer plans to deal with the matter;
b. An estimate of how long it might take to give a final response;
c. If an initial inquiry has been made;
d. If further investigation will take place;
e. Any further information that may be sought form the employee.
- vii. The monitoring officer, subject to legal constraints, will provide the employee with information on the outcome of any investigation.