While the Sta Lucia Group takes pride in the fact that its tree grows ever taller and wider, countless individuals would be more grateful of its growing canopy–providing protection and shelter–during life’s harshest moments.
For the past 40 years, Sta Lucia Group has established, and maintained, a number of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs that have addressed specific needs of the various sectors of our society.In particular, our CSR programs have focused on two key sectors: The Family and environment, and; Sports development.
In our CSR programs for the family and the environment, the Sta Lucia Group, for 10 years, has consistently sponsored the Kiwanis’ annual Christmas parties for underprivileged kids, helping provide food, gifts, games, and free movie showing treats in Sta Lucia Mall.
Sta Lucia Mall has also opened the Caritas Charity Store, which sells donated goods, the entire proceeds of which go to Caritas Manila.
The Sta Lucia Group has taken care of the Filipino family in times of the worst natural calamities.
In 2009, at the height of Typhoon Ondoy’s devastation, Sta Lucia Mall became a safe haven for affected families in its immediate vicinity. The stores were opened the day after the storm passed, to serve those who took shelter in the mall.
And even in other areas where the strongest tropical cyclones pass and leave destruction in their wake, the Sta Lucia Group has extended its helping arms. This was what it did for Davao and Iloilo when these two places were hit hardest by Typhoon Pablo in 2012.
Sta Lucia has also conducted regular activities designed to improve the quality of life of participants. These include annual earthquake drills, 100 free eye operations under the Sta Lucia Healthcare program, Grandparents’ Day in malls, and Christmas decor recycling that Sta has maintained for 10 years.
For its sports development programs, the Sta. Lucia Group has sponsored a basketball team to provide employment to qualified players under the Pilipinas Commercial Basketball League (PCBL)